Description of the book “Castle of Evil Thoughts”

Evil thoughts can sometimes flash in your head, like migratory birds. But if you constantly feed them and flirt with them, then they can settle in your mind for many years, making a large nest. Such a mistake was made by a little pug, a resident of the town of Mopshaus. She thought badly about the local cat Filia, and did it more than once.

Evil thoughts are not stones – you will not immediately feel a heavy burden, this led to great misfortune – her friends Mafi and Zefirka, along with other comrades, became hostages in the Castle of evil thoughts. They need to overcome difficult obstacles: a dangerous dungeon and an impassable labyrinth. To get out of the trap, brave dogs have a lot to understand. Even if an evil thought burst into the head in the form of an evil kite, the guardian birds will always come to the rescue: kindness, patience, friendship and mutual assistance. And if you do not drive away these assistants from yourself, then the main guardian of happiness – the eagle of love – will settle in the soul.